Sunday, November 8, 2009

James O'Connor's Battle with Mesothelioma

Following close behind heart disease, cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. Each year millions of people are faced with the daunting realization that they have developed some form of cancer. James “Rhio” O’Connor was given his diagnosis in October 2001, with a relatively rare form of cancer known as pleural mesothelioma.  This type of cancer develops after an individual has an exposure to asbestos through inhalation, and progresses with the development of a malignant tumor composed of mesothelial cells which grows to surround the lungs, abdominal organs, or the heart. Complications with the location of James’ Tumor prevented any possible surgery, and chemotherapy was not an option, as it was not likely to lengthen his life. With this, James was given an unpromising prognosis with one year to live.

It is difficult to know what one would do in a situation like this, with little time and almost no hope, but James did not give up! He was determined to survive, and rejected the notion that he should prepare for the end. Instead, James did library research on his disease, worked with clinicians, doctors, and researchers, and found alternative and unconventional ways to tackle his illness. Through a routine of practicing good nutrition, taking supplements, and employing mind body medicine, James was able to outlive his doctor’s prediction by more than six years. Instead of sitting back, accepting his illness, and riding out the last time he had, he became proactive and in the process was able to share the information he gained for others like him. In his book, “They Said Months, I Chose Years: A Mesothelioma Survivor’s Story” James shares an in depth discussion of the diet, health, supplements he used to improve his illness.

What inspires me about James’ story is his persistence in the face of mortality, and that he did not blindly accept his prognosis, even from an authoritative figure like a doctor. He went beyond his doctor’s advice and sought additional information that he used to prolong his life, and in the process he was able to publish the information he gathered, sharing it with the rest of the world.

His dedication to researching cancer reminds me of my father; however my father has never had cancer. For whatever reason, ever since I can remember my father has been fascinated with researching natural and alternative cures and preventions for cancer. Throughout my childhood, my dad would read passages from his library of books on how to defeat cancer, so that I could take preventative measures with diet and supplements, and know what to avoid on a daily basis to improve my health. Like James, my dad has shared his knowledge with friends, colleagues, neighbors, clients, and pretty much anyone he talks to if the subject of cancer arises. He had even helped a friend of his who developed a tumor near his spine, and miraculously was able to put his doctors in disbelief when his tumor had decreased in size. With both James’ story and my father’s dedication to health, I am touched by the pursuit of healthy living and the prevention of life threatening illnesses, and I am inspired to take better care of my body.

If I were ever faced with cancer, it is hard to know what my first thoughts would be, but I know I would be absolutely petrified. Yet, I don’t think I would give up and allow my illness to consume me without a fight. Like James, I would begin by looking at all my options, and try to get an idea of how effective each would be in my recovery. If my doctor were to suggest that chemo, radiation, or surgery were to help me I would take it into consideration, but also do my own research.  I would investigate my illness, and look into what the specific causes for my illness are as there are many causes for cancer, and I would most likely turn to my father’s advice and collection of books. In addition to that, I would subscribe to a cancer related journal that provides new and upcoming research, so that I could be up to date. I would most definitely continue to devote myself to living a health conscious life, and try to tailor my diet and nutrition towards overcoming the cause of my illness.

Most importantly, I wouldn’t try to deal with my illness alone. Being diagnosed with life threatening illnesses can be psychologically challenging, so I would turn to my family and friends for support, and join a support group to make connections with other people who have dealt with cancer so that I could learn and share my experiences.

James O’Connor’s story is one of bravery, defiance, perseverance, self-education, and sharing. He should be considered a role model for anyone dealing with cancer, as he has set an impressive example of how to be proactive, informed, and persistent in the face of a life threatening illness.

please see to learn more about surviving this illness

1 comment:

  1. I'm Trisha Nelson. I contracted HIV 4 years ago, I was told by my doctor that there's no possible cure for HIV/AIDS. I started taking my ARVs, My CD4 was 77 and the viral load was 112,450. I made research on a herbal remedy and I saw Dr. James Herbal mixed medicine, also I saw a lot of testimonials about him on how he uses His strong herbal mix medicine to cure HIV/AIDS. I contacted him and told him my problems, He told me not to be worried anymore that I will benefit and get cured of his herbal medicine for Hiv/Aids. I never doubted Him because I believed I will be cured as nature has the power to cure all kinds of sickness when herbal medicine is being used in the right proportion. He prepared his herbal drink and sent it to me, and I took it for 3 weeks morning and evening in a quantity he told me, after that, I went for a check-up and I was cured of HIV. his herbal mix medicine has NO SIDE EFFECT AND EASY TO DRINK, there's no special diet when taking Dr. James herbal mix medicine. He told me he got cures diseases like  Alzheimer's disease, Cancer, Bipolar disorder, Herpes, Hepatitis, Schizophrenia, Fibromyalgia. Dupuytren's disease, Desmoplastic, Diabetes, Coeliac disease, Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Hpv, Weak Erection, Wart Remover. Ataxia, Arthritis, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Adrenocortical carcinoma.Asthma, Allergic, Wart Remover, Melasma, Parkinson, perioral dermatitis, thyroid, HPV, ALS, KIDNEY DISEASES, SHINGLES., and more. You can reach him on his Email address  []  thanks 
